Creaform Releases Pipecheck Software

Software module offers new NDT-specific functionalities and improved usability.

Software module offers new NDT-specific functionalities and improved usability.

By DE Editors

Creaform released version 1.1 of its Pipecheck software module for pipeline external corrosion analysis.

Pipecheck’s pipeline external corrosion module offers fast, efficient and streamlined data processing that generates instant, on-site results, according to the company. Data are presented in a complete Excel report, and show increased accuracy and repeatability compared to traditional measurement methods such as pit gauge, ultrasonic (UT) probes and single-line lasers.
A new interaction rule increases the number of corrosion cases that can be processed (“Fit to Shape”, Perfect rule for “L” shape defect,  feature limits that follow the shape of the defect). Interaction criteria match the feature shape.
Merge of scan files functionality makes it possible to use two scanners working in a same positioning model and merge scan data so that the complete part can be analyzed. This increases productivity by reducing acquisition and calculation times and also increases accuracy over long pipe segments.
The virtual pit gauge has been enhanced with interactive operation messages providing instant feedback to operator about the software configurations. Critical areas are automatically identified in the 2D view.

For more information, visit Creaform.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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