fe-safe 6.4 Available

Safe Technology includes woven fiber composite materials, support for Abaqus ODB parts and instances.

Safe Technology includes woven fiber composite materials, support for Abaqus ODB parts and instances.

Safe Technology announced the latest release of its suite of fatigue analysis software for FE models, fe-safe 6.4, which includes a new approach to the fatigue of woven fibre composite materials and usability enhancements such as support for Abaqus ODB parts and instances. fe-safe 6.4 also features improved speed of analyses with the introduction of native 64-bit Windows code.

Support for ODB parts and instances enables Abaqus users to analyze models with multiple parts and instances without the need to flatten and rerun the model. It also enables the retention of assembly details for post-processing.

Support for woven fibre material in fe-safe/Composites extends the capabilities of the solution from unidirectional laminae to include plain woven architectures. It was developed and tested in collaboration with DSO National Laboratories, Singapore; Royal National Lifeboat Institute, UK; and Daimler AG, Germany, in a consortium led by Safe Technology and Firehole Composites (recently acquired by Autodesk).

For more information, visit Safe Technology.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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