Gstarsoft Launches Portable CAD Software for Apple iPad

New GstarCAD MC can be deployed at locations where desktop PCs and laptop computers are unmanageable.

New GstarCAD MC can be deployed at locations where desktop PCs and laptop computers are unmanageable.

By DE Editors

GstarCAD has launched GstarCAD MC for iPad, complete with functions for viewing, creating, annotating, and editing drawings. Users can deploy the new software on Apple’s popular tablet where desktop PCs and laptop computers are unmanageable.

GstarCAD MC enables users to create, edit, mark up, and share CAD drawings directly on the Apple iPad. The new software works with OCF files, which can be converted from DWG and DXF files using GstarCAD for Windows running on desktop or laptop computers. The OCF format is able to display CAD drawings on iPads, and ensure fonts are never missing. OCF files are transferred from PCs to iPads through Apple’s iTunes software.

Included in this first release are drawing functions for creating and editing lines, clouds, rectangles, circles, arcs, and other objects. Editing can be carried out through deleting, copying, moving, and other actions. Auxiliary functions provide undo and redo mechanisms, the creation of layouts, and much more.

For more information, visit GstarCAD.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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