Neurotechnology Releases SentiSculpt SDK

The software development kit can help make point clouds from images.

Neurotechnology, a provider of high-precision biometrics, robotics and computer vision technologies, has released the SentiSculpt Software Development Kit (SDK). The focus of this kit is to help create 3D object models.

With the kit, users can capture objects with off-the-shelf cameras or smartphones. The software then connects the images together and creates a point cloud based on them. It supports C, C++ and C# programming languages on a 64-bit Windows platform. It also includes a sample that shows how plugins can be created for MeshLab, an open-source system for processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes.

“SentiSculpt brings users a higher visual experience — instead of looking through a series of static, 2D images people can navigate around objects within a 3D environment,” said Vilius Matiukas, SentiSculpt project lead for neurotechnology. “It is an excellent opportunity for sculptors to present their work, even make virtual galleries. And for application developers, all of this can be easily integrated in to their own projects with only a few lines of the code.”

For more information, visit Neurotechnology.


Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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