Updated solidThinking Inspire Available

Works with existing CAD tools to reduce costs and development time.

Works with existing CAD tools to reduce costs and development time.

solidThinking announced the latest version of its solidThinking Inspire software (version 9.5), which allows design engineers, product designers and architects to create and investigate structurally efficient concepts quickly and easily, the company says. Traditional structural simulations allow engineers to check if a design will support the required loads. Inspire assists this process by generating a new material layout within a package space using the loads as an input. The software works with existing CAD tools to help design structural parts right the first time, reducing costs, development time, material consumption and product weight.

Among the new features: When running an optimization, users can now choose to either maximize stiffness or minimize mass. A global stress constraint can be applied to limit the maximum stress in the model during optimization. Displacement constraints can be applied to a model to limit deflections in desired locations and directions. The new extrusion shape control generates constant cross-section topologies in a specified direction.

In addition, solidThinking is also preparing for the release of solidThinking Evolve 9.5. Evolve allows industrial designers to develop forms faster, using either a Windows PC or Mac. Evolve captures an initial sketch, then allows exploration of styling alternatives and the visualization of products with high quality renderings generated in real time.

For more information, visit solidThinking.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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